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Supporting your child to flourish from the age of three months up to five years old!

Baby Bears. (3-24 months)

Our baby room is specially designed for children from the age of 3 months.


Each member of the baby room team are hand chosen for their professional, caring and dedicated approach to childcare. It is extremely important to us that every member of the team boasts maternal instincts and a calm, caring personality and that we are confident in their ability to provide outstanding care for babies. 


Our baby bears team are privileged to be able to provide the foundations for future developmental milestones. The team are able to celebrate with the children and their mummy’s and daddy’s as they begin to sit up, crawl and take their first steps. This is achieved through individual planning, unique to each baby.


As the children develop, their key workers consistently plan around their development needs, creating more challenging activities and allowing opportunities for further independence.​

The room has an open plan feel where all the areas are freely accessible, allowing the babies to move around and explore different environments easily. Each area is unique, stimulating each of their senses with varied textures, sounds and colours.

'A massive thank you to the staff working with my daughter, she has become very independent and confident!' (March 2015)


Our baby room boasts an adjoining, luxurious sleep room with bunk cots, low lighting and plush carpets, the perfect place for a dreamy snooze! 


Safe Sleep

We strictly follow the NHS guidelines for feet to foot positioning and maintain regular sleep checks whilst the children sleep. We never leave children unattended whilst sleeping, always ensuring there is a qualified member of staff watching over our sleeping beauties! 

Each child is allocated their own cot and bedding which is washed weekly on site with hypo allergenic washing powder. 

Your Baby's Routine 

We are aware that younger children will have their own individual routines, particularly with regards to sleeping, so If your baby is tired, we let them sleep. It's as simple as that! During settling sessions, we work together with you to devise a routine guideline, and find out how your little one likes to be encouraged to sleep, be it by their favourite lullabies, a particular sway or just with a comforter.  Before you know it, your baby will be settled with us, feel secure and love taking a quick nap to recharge their batteries! 

Two - Three Years olds

We currently have two rooms which are uniquely designed for our bear cubs between the ages of 2 and 3.    


Our fantastic teams work very closely with the parents to support the children as they develop their skills within the 7 areas of learning. For children under three, we focus on learning about ourselves, being with others, learning to communicate, toddling, bopping and being active (these are called the Prime areas of learning as they underpin all other learning).  

Sharing stories, meals and games together support these growing skills. Time to play with older children is important too, so that they can learn from children who have greater understanding and knowledge. Our team also focus on behaviour management and independence as the children become toilet trained, start self-serve, put on their own shoes and coats, avidly develop their personal, social and emotional skills. 

My 2 or 3 year old still naps...

...Of course they do!! It's very tiring when you are learning and growing as much as our toddlers! 

After lunch, we turn off the lights, creating a quiet, calming atmosphere for the children. We make a soft, comfy area and lay out the children’s sleep mats with their individual sheets and blankets, encouraging them to lay down for a nap or perhaps just a rest. For any children who are not ready to sleep, or are beginning to phase out their day time nap, quiet activities are set out to enjoy which helps the children to wind down, calm their mind and prepare themselves for the adventures of the afternoon! 

Pre-School - Three - Five Years olds

Our pre-school room provides a structured learning environment for the children that are preparing to go to school. Our team creates a fun atmosphere for the children, continuously encouraging their development within all 7 areas of learning.


Our skilled practitioners allow the children to be curious and explore their own play and learning, all the while supporting them in learning the letters of the alphabet, writing their own names and counting higher than they ever have before. Early problem solving will be learnt through fun games, activities and empathy. Caring for others will be fostered each day during free flow play (time for children to make choices about where they want to play) and small group activities. As children play, their skills, knowledge and attitudes for learning are being developed and they are learning more about their own important place in our fabulous world!

Children are given fun 'homework' to complete with their parents/ carers at home, developing our partnership with parents and helping parents to be involved in their learning. 'Homework' helps prepare the children for big school and makes them feel very grown up, but it is really more about involving our parents in their children's development and providing ideas for fun activities to engage in at home.  


We have strong links with local schools and are able to encourage a smooth transition when our pre-schoolers  are ready to go to big school by preparing them with mini school visits before they are due to start and creating activities around ‘going to school’



Children born between 1 September 2​​018 and 31 August 2019 will start primary school in September 2023.
The closing date for applications was 15 January 2023. 
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